Transformational Growth Series



A process of social influence that maximizes the efforts of others towards the achievement of a goal.

A process of social influence that maximizes the efforts of others towards the achievement of a goal.

A process of internal influence that maximizes our effectiveness, and aligns our behavior and beliefs. 

A process of internal influence that maximizes our effectiveness, and aligns our behavior and beliefs. 

PRAX specializes in self-leadership, which is highly correlated to adaptive performance and job satisfaction. 

PRAX specializes in self-leadership, which is highly correlated to adaptive performance and job satisfaction. 


Leaders drive organizations. . . 
 What drives leaders?

Research reveals culture, pay, and stagnation contribute most to employee attrition.

The majority of our work happiness is in our relationships, purpose, and creative growth.

As it turns out, our overall well-being flows from the same things.

Individual leaders fail in their roles the vast majority of the time due to soft skill deficits.

Universally, leaders thrive by improving self-leadership competencies.

What Pioneers  say about PRAX

What Pioneers  say about PRAX